Without Signing Up Free Watch The Grudge
- Creator: Ramiro Zurdo
- Resume: Peronista - Cinéfilo - Rockero - Técnico Superior en Administración Pública - Futuro Profesor de Historia y Geografía. ✌️
- Zoe Fish
- user Ratings: 4,7 / 10 stars
- Genres: Mystery
- Directors: Nicolas Pesce
- Canada
Hatinator designs. Hatina terras. Ha 27tina 2017. Harina pan. Ha 27tina mp3. Very bad script, slow, boring and predictable movie. Ha 27tina 2. I Felt Like I Watched This Already In My Passed Scary Just Fimilar.
Some clips are combined by part 1 and part 2. Its not OFFICIALLLL. Ok. Since people actually seemed to want to see it. Here's what I actually have to say in response to the question asked in a previous thread about how black people feel about Black Panther. I fucking HATE black panther!!! The smug, stalinist, self-righteous, git. And yes, I know this sort of thinking is supposed to be Haram for me, according to the social justice overlords who are apparently of the opinion that myself and every other black person should be trembling mightily and praising our white-dominated society for throwing me a bone to chew on by finally giving us a character who happened to match my general level of melanin. But fuck them. And fuck them hard. T'challa is nothing more than a sickeningly, and quite frankly impossibly wealthy and powerful man with an animal theme whose father was killed before him by an evil man, who fights villains that threaten his home and its people, utiliziing a genius level intellect and knowledge, expert martial arts skills honed over a lifetime of training, an extremely keen mind tactical mind for planning and improvisation, while wearing a dark-armoured costume using high-tech gagdets and little pointy ears. And if this is all sounding really familiar to you, that's because they did it in 1939 and it was called BATMAN. Monochromatics of skin pigmentation aside, the only appreciable difference between Bruce Wayne and T'Challa in concept is that (aside from Bruce Wayne actually being LESS of a general douche let that sink in) whereas Bruce Wayne inherited all of his money, power, and unearned privaledge, by taking over his fathers company when he died. T'Challa inherited all of his money. Power, and unearned privaledge, by taking over his fathers entire country when he died. He's Batman, a character who many people already point out is something of an impossibly unrealistic Mary Sue, with even fewer flaws and vulnerabilities, and more power wealth and influence. Oh yeah, he also has a lot of magic knowledge and a grab bag of nonsense mystical based powers. He has defeated the Silver Surfer in hand to hand combat. Jury-rigged a machine mid-battle that knocked out Thanos in one go. Wielded the infinity gauntlet, raised an army of the dead, which he can command, and taken down Mephisto (Satan) with a single punch. really. Mephisto is a mutli-dimensional level threat possessed of power beyond many gods of the Marvel universe, a demon lord of such immense eldritch might that he threatens and recreates entire realities. So how does Black Panther overcome this foe who is threatening him? He punches him once and knocks his ass to the ground. Oh that's nothing. Check out this explanation for how he managed to do it. Yup. Wakandan scientists managed to figure out a way to turn off one of the fundamental constants of the universe and used it to shut off Mephistos powers. ience......? Oh, and that's not even the first time he bullshit bullshits his way into a victory against Mephisto. There was the time he tricked Mephisto (the king of lies and deceit mind you) into taking his soul in order to get something out of him. But because his soul is tied to the Panther God and all of the bullshit bullshit souls of the bullshit bullshit previous Black Panther leaders, Mephisto has to accept all of them too. Unfortunately for him T'challa's soul (and that of the other Obsidian Pussycats) is the noblest and purest of souls he's ever encountered, so much so that trying to devour it actually hurts him. And that horrible sound you're hearing is my forebrain desperately trying to consume my frontal lobe. And this was BEFORE Marvel went social justice. I invite you to let that sink in for a moment, then feel free to curl up in a corner and weep. Then there's Wakanda, one of the most blatant Marysuetopias ever put to pen. In simple terms a marysuetopia is a society depicted in a piece of media which is absolutely perfect and wonderfully functions as a Utopia, despite obvious realistic and economic reasons why it shouldn't work. Basically it's perfect because the author wants it be perfect, and damn the logic. Wakanda is an African nation rich in the fictional metal vibranium. In fact it is the only place on Earth where it seems that the extraterrestrial metal can be naturally found. This resource has made Wakanda the richest nation on the planet with Vibranium being sold at $10, 000 a gram. Yes... a gram. Because of their great wealth Wakanda has a full health care system and one of the finest education systems where all children are educated completely free including college. This has also made them the most technologically advanced race in the world. Having split the atom a full century before the rest of the world outside their borders did. Their computer technology is so insanely advanced and unique that it is impossible to hack, but they can quite easily hack into any other computer on the planet. They use no fossil fuels such as gas or oil, not because they don't have those resources, but because they prefer to use eco-friendly energies for their vehicles and power sources like solar or anyone else getting sick just listening to this yet? Oh and they have the cure for cancer. Wakanda is also a heavily isolationist nation, surrounded by a massive wall that keeps out the rest of Africa. In order to preserve it's nation and customs for all of these centuries it has cut off any contact with the outside world and does not get involved in other countries affairs. Even to provide aid to their african neighbours, or to use their wealth and power to make the world in general better via their technologies, they maintain strict isolation. Well until THEY need help. Then they run off to the Fantastic Four, or the Avengers, or someone else. And you know, I actually wouldn't have any problems with this at all as a character concept. I could handle it, I might even like to read about it. IF the comics realistically portrayed T'challa and the Wakandans as the insufferable, sociopathic, egotistical douchebags they very obviously are. You can even still keep T'challa as being relatively heroic, as long as you keep the perspective focused on him and Wakanda. Protaginist Centered Morality is a very common thing in stories. But when you have to juxtapose him and them with the rest of the world, like moral paragons such as Captain America and Spiderman. Or the Xmen who, while sometimes morally dubious and sometimes dicks, always fight the good fight even if the world is against them. Trying to portray T'challa as the noble warrior doesn't exactly work. Hell he's one lab accident, a ve5ry slight moral shift and an eternal grudge against Reed Richards away from being a point by point copy of Doctor Doom. Seriously. The Black Panther comicverse is the fictional incarnation of white guilt. A black man, or in this case a black society, can be as shitty to everyone else as they want, and yet he is a still a noble and pure-hearted heroic savage in-universe to everyone who knows him. Even if you give him power and perfection by fiat more than anything else. "Look at how awesome we made the black man look. " "See how strong and mighty we're showing him to be? Now caper and dance for my moral amusement, you gloriously negroid Monkey Man. " They even had the balls to give him Storm as a wife for a while. An actually good black character, and don't even get me started on how everyone involved with that decision should be roasted over a fire ant pit and buggered in the eye socket by pineapple dicked demons until Judgement Day approaches. And now that Marvel decided to pull down it's metaphorical pants and unleash this shit into the MCU I've got to watch all these low self-esteem niggers compete to find out who can give Marvel the most sumptuous moral blowjob. John Kani, who plays T'chaka in the film once spoke to TMZ about how the movie shows just what Africa would have been like without those damned evil white people coming in and knocking over our sand castles. I'm not sure if it's sad or hilarious that they are trying to conceptualize reality based on a fictional universe with talking cybenetic raccoons. They do realize that even in the MCU version of Wakanda all of that stuff still happened? It just didn't happen to Wakanda because they have a giant wall around themselves. Marvel Africa is still a violence ridden shit hole. But I guess we're going to ignore that, much as these Hollywood political liberals are wont to do when there's no photo op or a cute little nappy haired baby to adopt. Look let me ask you guys something. Who do you think was selling those slaves to the white men? You realize that they didn't wade into the deadly, unknown to them, jungle full of predators to catch people themselves right? They bought them from the kings and the tribal chieftains. The slaves who came over were largely prisoners of war taken during battles or on raids. The whites just built coastal forts as trading posts from which to do business and hung their signs out. It was we innocent and blameless people of colour who sold off fellow africans into slavery. Look I'm not going to pretend that slavery and the stuff that white people did in Africa are not a large contributing factor in why the continent ended up a giant shithole. Yes, they were scumbag slavers. Yes, they sold us the guns. Yes, they are assholes each and everyone of them. But WE are the ones who sold them the slaves so we could get the money, goods, and guns. WE took those guns and used them to make war on one another, tearing down our societies. WE are the ones who caused the massive labour shortages that led to poor production and poor crops because we carted 20 million plus men away and sent them to pick cotton. I'm just saying Honky Mcgee may be a proximal cause for the problems of Africa. But perhaps, just perhaps it's not the dystal cause. Oh, and fun fact by the way. Do you know how all of the major trade and contact between Africa and England got established? It happened in the 8th century when North Africa invaded and conquered Spain and Portugal. They established regular trade between Europe and Africa, centered their political power at Córdoba and turned the region into one of the most important Islamic cultural centers for centuries to come until they would eventually lose Spain and Portugal to the Christians in the late 15th. So if it bothers you that Whitey stuck his dick into African affairs and told us to bend over, well we gave him the reach around first. This is the kind of stuff I had to deal with reading all this crap in the media. And the absolute worst of it was the stuff like John Kani, Ryan Coogler, and Tre Fuckin' Johnson. The stuff coming out from these mindless black people who have absolutely not an ounce of self-respect for themselves or their own place in the world and want to drag every other black person in western society down with them. They're lapping up this shallow praise from an ideological group that is so blatantly manipulating them. Instead of doing anything about any real problems, you convince them that it's all a bunch of vague “society” shit. That way as long as you toss them the occasional irrelevant little treat, like making a movie with a black person and praising it for supposedly being ground breaking they'll smile and nod at you. Thinking that actually constitutes progress of any kind. Then toss them a couple of shiny awards and watch them flap their you notice how it seems to be the rich and the powerful blacks who are doing this. The privileged who are going along with this so easily. IE. The ones who don't really have any problems that might relate themselves to the average black person. But that's cool because we're all black, and that's the only defining trait any of us could have of any import. these people. Fuck these people. Just read some of these to excerpts from Rolling Stone contributor Tri Johnson and Ryan Coogler as they try to deepthroat T'challas whole length. Ryan ““I think the question that I’m trying to ask and answer in Black Panther is, ‘What does truly mean to be African? '” the filmmaker recently told Rolling Stone. “The MCU has set itself in the real world as much as possible – so what does it mean for T’Challa to move around as this black man in a movie reality that tries to be a real world? ” “ “When people ask me where I’m from, I tell them the Bay Area and there’s a sense of pride there. But the truth is, we’re really from that place. The place that everybody’s from. ” “ “That said, Coogler tried to ensure that “with all the technological advancements, you don’t leave the culture out. Africa is a culture that has been colonized and oftentimes demonized, so it was about reclaiming certain things as beautiful and powerful. ” “ “That’s African, man! ” Coogler says, laughing. “That’s my tribe’s world. My wife is a black woman who’s incredibly strong and smart – and the more I get out of her way, the better my life becomes. I thought that’s one of the things that makes T’Challa brilliant. He knows how to get out of the way of amazing women in his life. ” “ ““The biggest thing for me was the themes of the story – letting them know where my head was at and making sure they would get on board, ” he says. “I was very honest about the idea I wanted to explore in this film, which is what it means to be African. That was one of the first things I talked about. “ Tre Johnson “Watch the new trailer, however – the one that dropped months ago for his stand-alone film – and you’ll see someone with the arrogance of Shaft, the coolness of Obama and the hot-headed impulsiveness of Kanye West. This T’Challa is accessible, awe-inspiring and perhaps most importantly, human. “ “Yet Black Panther already feels different from all of this. Coogler has set out to do something with the modern black superhero that all previous iterations have fallen short of doing: making it respectable, imaginative and powerful. “ “As a child in school, I rarely reached for the black or brown Crayola crayons in my superhero coloring books; I have a lifetime’s worth of Halloweens where I weighed how often I could or should dress as the white superheroes. I couldn’t find ones that looked like me both outside of and underneath the mask. An entire generation of children will now know that a black superhero, society, imagination and power can exist right alongside Peter Parker, Steve Rogers and Bruce Wayne. An entire generation of children will not know what it feels like to not see themselves reflected back on costume racks, coloring books or movie screens. We’re at a pivotal time where these characters and stories are coming not out of permission or obligation, but necessity. “ Ok first off, Ryan are a middle/upper middle class born fourth generation nigger from Oakland California. Not! bile from the Yuroba tribe. What do you know about the African experience? You went to Africa once for a few weeks and hung out with a couple guys in the city. I know you sure as hell didn't shoot this movie there. You shot the movie in South Korea. I can only notice that his display of what Africa is truly like mysteriously did not involve looking at the child soldiers, the mass raping of men and women, ruthless dictatorships, blood diamonds, poverty, aids, and famine. Instead it was all about cool tribal costumes, dancing to tribal music, slinging around spears and worshipping pagan animal gods. Because I guess that it's somehow less racist, and stereotyping when YOU do it? I'm not saying that there aren't wonderful things about Africa and it's many cultures, but don't pretend that you're taking any kind of realistic look or doing any deep soul-searching, when we both know you're going to completely ignore all of the shit of the cultures as well. Unless of course you can blame it on white people. Then I'm sure you'll have it do a little song and dance number under a spotlight. And you understand that there is no such goddamn thing as “African” culture correct? There are fifty four countries, hundreds of distincts cultures and languages, and several thousand dialects. There's no great mystical Afro power coursing through our Nubian veins that binds us together. The fact that you can even talk about African culture with a straight face shows just how little your western born bourgeoisie ass understands about it. I did a story once on a former child soldier who managed to escape in his teens. At age ten he and his family were dragged from their homes by an armed group of men. His father was forced at gun point to rape his own daughter while they laughed and took bets on how long she could scream before she passed out from the pain... and then were both executed in front of him. You really want to help black kids, you assholes? There you go. Go back in time and tell that kid not to worry because one day you'll put a black man in a superhero movie and it'll be a major step forward for black people everywhere. I'm sure he'll be comforted as he wipes the blood splatter from his baby sister out of his eyes and hair. Unfortunately you'll also have to tell him that this glorious black superhero marvel of Marvels wouldn't give two shits of a damn about him because he's not the right kind of African. Remember, this is a guy who can almost literally look out his bedroom window, out over the big wall that surrounds his nation and look out onto a barren desolate tundra where children are wallowing in filth, bellies distended from starvation and malnutrition. At which point he takes a sip of his tea brushes his hands together and thinks “oh well, fuck it! If they had wanted to eat actual food they should have known enough to be born in the right country. ” What part of this screams out Hero of the Oppressed Blackman to these people? The fact that he's black and powerful? Talk about low expectations. Give him any other skin tone and he would be openly acknowledged as the racially supremacist, fascist autocrat the character is. But because he and his people are black, they're more perfect than any other society or culture in the Marvel universe. I read articles by these people, and they are gushing over T'challa in a way that is disturbingly reminiscent of thirteen year old girls describing Edward and Jacob from Twilight. They talk about his power and his awesomeness, thing. They, they talk about nothing. Nothing beyond that he is black and powerful. And these are not short articles. But nothing about these articles would actually tell you about the movie itself or the nature of the character. It's all just sad and pathetic black men whining about society and how they never had any good black people to watch in films and relate themselves to. At least until Black Panther came along riding on the back of a thousand angels. Now finally they have someone they can relate to and see themselves cause he's black. And that's it. What's interesting is that I'm willing to bet pretty hard that they're lying about how horrible it was to have black role models or black heroes. I'm pretty sure that they're just looking back with a massive set of SJW-style beer goggles. But they've somehow concivnced themselves that not having enough men to look up to who looked exactly like them was a great detriment and blow to their childhoods. So much so that because of the detrimental effect done to their lives they were never able to grow up to be any better than hollywood actors, directors, and contributors for Natioanal Publications. Clearly the system failed them. And all their liberal friends want is to have the priviledge of showing a black man up on stage. A little dancing monkey up on the big screen for them to parade around. That's all that is. And these black men, like Ryan, like Jamil, like Tre, and John, they get to lap up the praise for their blackness like a puppy as if that is the only worth that they can see in themselves. This cannot be healthy for the children being raised in the black community. Telling them that being black is the one and only dikstinguishing feature about themselves, and the only thing that they can relate to. It's a recipe for racial tension and ignorance. It's hilariously ironic that the SJW/feminist crowd took Black Panther on as their Golden Boy, when he is the complete antithesis of everything they claim to stand for and believe in. Firstly, Black Panther is anti-globalist. T'challas whole worldview is marinated in a strong nationalistic conviction that constantly places the wellbeing of his people’s history, culture, and identity over any external attempts at opening up the culture and economy of Wakanda. Second, Wakanda is a hierarchal society that’s intentionally racially homogeneous, and its immigration policy is effectively non-existent (unless T'challa wants to marry a hottie like Storm, and don't even begin to get me started on how many fucks that deserves) Other cultural influences are permitted to exist, as Black Panther believes them to be harmful to the wellbeing of his people. In fact even outside education is not allowed (again, unless you're T'challa). The only schools and universities are those run by the state and teach the state approved curriculum. Third. The Wakandan King enforces these policies through an entrenched military, the Hatut Zerzae (a former secret police force turned mercenary group) & the Dora Milaje (the King’s all-female Praetorian Guard). Hey this is all starting to sound familiar again. Fourth. Wakanda is a theistic monarchy where all power rests in the hands of the male who happens to be on the throne. T'challa is not just king he is also the religious leader and symbol of his people. A position passed down from father to son (ie an actual patriarchy). Wakanda is not a constitutional republic, democracy, or any other form of governmental rule that emerged from the Enlightenment. T’Challa is a militaristic absolute monarch & Wakanda is a nation that has historically thrived as a society where the king rules both as the national religious leader and the commander-in-chief. In Wakanda, there is no separation of Church and State, and T’Challa is the authoritarian ruler of every aspect of Wakandan society. Fifth, and perhaps the most characteristically anti-globalist aspect of Wakandan society, is the fact that although Wakanda possesses universal healthcare and a cure for cancer, its government refuses to assist other countries. Wakanda is chiefly concerned with the wellbeing of its own people, foreign plights and would-be immigrants be damned. T’Challa is basically a Fascist autocrat when it comes to ruling his country. OK...... I think I pretty much exhausted my supply of bile for this shit and this character. And I feel oddly cleansed. For those who think that was too long, I warned you. This is what happens when you ask a cranky old nigger to tell you what's pissing him off about something.
Hatina musha panyika sda. Ha tinh building in pubg. The horror was sitting through this.
I don't remember seeing the original film or it's original American adaption that I think starred Buffy the vampire slayer, but I did like this movie's concept of it not being a remake or reboot of anything but more like an extension of what's already out there
But that botched this royally. It felt like they were trying to be unique by getting rid of a lot of horror cliches you'd expect. For instance, They got rid of the cliche of being scary.
Every thing was so bunched up and their was too much of it going on for too long. I only found it boring. I can't even say nice try.
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Pro AM -$6 Robocop -$5 Rygar -$8 Scheherazade (The Magic of) -$11 Section Z 5 Screw - $8 Sesame Street 123 -$5 Skate or Die 2 -$6 Slalom -$9 Star Tropics -$8 Super Mario Bros -$9 Super Mario Bros II -$11 Super Mario Bros III -$10 Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt -$5 Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet -$6 T & C Surf Designs -$5 Tag Team Wrestling -$5 Tecmo Bowl -$8 Tecmo Super Bowl -$16 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -$7 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, The Arcade Game -$10 Tetris -$7 The Last Starfighter -$13 The Legend of Kage -$8 The Little Mermaid -$7 The Magic of Scheherazade -$13 Tiny Toon Adventures -$11 Top Gun -$5 Top Gun Second Mission -$6 Top Players Tennis -$5 Track and Field II -$5 Trojan 5 Screw -$8 Wheel of Fortune -$5 Wild Gunman 5 Screw-$14 Willow -$10 World Class Track Meet -$5 Wrath of the Black Manta -$5 WWF Wrestlemania -$5 Wrestlemania Challenge -$5 Zelda -$15 Nintendo DS Alvin and the Chipmunks, Chipwrecked -$5 Amazing Spiderman -$7 Barbie Jet Set and Style -$6 Bakugan Battle Brawlers -$5 Captain America -$11 Diddy Kong Racing DS (Game and Case) -$10 Emma at the Farm -$5 Go Diego Go Dinosaur Rescue -$5 iSpy Castle -$5 Glory of Heracles -$7 Major League Baseball 2K12 -$9 Monster High, Ghoul Spirit -$5 My Amusement Park -$5 MY Amusement Park and Digging for Dinosaurs -$8 My Baby Boy -$6 Namco Museum -$9 Paws and Claws Dogs and Cats Best Friends -$5 Plants vs Zombies -$9 Pokemon Soul Silver -$58 Sea Monsters -$5 Spiderman 2 -$7 The Magic Schoolbus Oceans -$8 Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue -$6 Tom and Jerry Tales -$7 Toy Story 3 -$7 Winx Club Magical Fairy Party -$5 Wipeout 2 -$5 Nintendo 3DS Mega Man Legacy Collection Collector's Edition (Gold Amiibo Bundle), Factory Sealed -$78 Angry Birds Trilogy -$7 The Hidden -$10 Carts Only Pacman Party 3D -$11 Panasonic 3DO Alone in the Dark -$19 Blade Force -$10 Gridders -$16 Killing Time (Game and Case) -$27 Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes (Long Box) -$52 Seal of the Pharoh (Game and Case) -$20 Space Hulk (long box, no manual) -$27 Twisted the Game Show (game and manual) -$12 Playstation Long Box Games Battle Arena Toshinden -$15 ESPN Extreme Games -$13 Kileak the DNA Imperative -$13 Krazy Ivan (no manual, Blockbuster disc -$9 PGA Tour Golf -$8 Ridge Racer -$15 War Hawk -$14 Regular Games 007 The World is not Enough (Greatest Hits) -$6 Apocolypse -$13 Beyblade -$6 Broken Helix -$9 Casper -$7 Cool Boarders 3 -$6 Covert Ops, Nuclear Dawn -$10 Creatures -$7 Cyber Tiger -$5 Dave Mirra BMX - $5 Diablo -$58 Driver -$8 Driver 2 -$9 Driver 2 (Greatest Hits) -$8 Dukes of Hazard 2 -$8 Final Fantasy VIII -$15 Ford Racing - Gex -$12 Gran Turismo -$8 Grand Turismo 2 (Greatest Hits) -$7 Grudge Warriors -$6 Gunfighter the Legend of Jesse James -$7 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone -$8 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Greatest Hits) -$8 Jeopardy -$5 Jet Moto 3-$7 Kiss Pinball -$5 Knockout Kings 2000 -$6 Lego Racers -$11 Lode Runner -$20 Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX -$7 Megaman X4 -$17 Mega Man 8 (Greatest Hits) -$11 Moto Racer -$6. 25 Nascar Rumble -$10 Need for Speed High Stakes -$8 Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit (Greatest Hits) -$7 Need for Speed V Rally -$7 Newman Haas Racing -$5 NFL Blitz -$8 Ninja Shadow of Darkness -$14 Nuclear Strike -$6 Pac Man 20th Anniversary -$9 Perfect Weapon -$6 Polaris Snowcross - $5 Pong -$5 Pro Pinball Fantastic Journey -$5 Rampage 2, Universal Tour -$16 Rainbow Six -$6 Rainbow Six, Lone Wolf -$6 Rally Cross II -$ Rayman, Greatest Hits - $11 Rayman Brain Games -$6 Shrek Treasure Hunt - $6 Snocross Championship Racing -$5 Spec Ops Ranger Elite -$5 Spec Ops Stealth Patrol -$5 Spongebob Squarepants, Supersponge (Greatest Hits) -$6 Spyro the Dragon (Greatest Hits) -$13 Spyro Year of the Dragon (Greatest Hits) -$14 Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage (Greatest Hits) -$13 Star Wars Rebel Assault 2 -$8 Team Losi RC Racer - $8 Tenchu Stealth Assassin's -$13 Tenchu 2 -$17 Ten Pin Alley - $5 Ten Pin Alley (Greatest Hits) -$5 The Grinch -$14 The Legend of Dragoon (Greatest Hits) -$20 Tiny Tank -$10 TNN Motorsports Hardcore 4x4 -$5 Tomb Raider II -$8 Tony Hawk 2 - $14 Top Gun (Long Box, no manual) -$8 Twisted Metal III Greatest Hits -$11 WCW NWO Thunder -$7 Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits - $8 World's Scariest Police Chases -$8 World Worms Party -$10 Xena Warrior Princess - $8 Playstation 2 007 Agent Under Fire - $5 Ace Combat 4 -$5 Ace Combat 5 -$6 Activision Anthology -$7 Airborne Troops -$5 AMF Extreme Bowling -$5 Area 51 -$14 Art of Fighting Anthology -$13 Atari Anthology -$7 ATV Off Road Fury 2 -$5 ATV Off Road Fury 2 (Greatest Hits)-$5 Auto Modelista -$12 Barbie Horse Adventures Wild Horse Rescue -$9 Batman Begins -$8 Batman Rise of Sin Tzu -$10 Batman Vengeance -$12 Ben 10, Protector of Earth (Greatest Hits, Game and Case) -$5 Beyond Good and Evil -$10 Big Mutha Truckers - $7 Big Mutha Truckers 2 -$7 Blood Omen 2 -$14 BMX XXX -$6 Brothers in Arms, Earned in Blood -$5 Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 (Game and Case) -$5 Buffy the Vampire Slayer -$14 Bully (Greatest Hits) -$10 Burnout -$6 Burnout 3 -$12 Burnout Revenge -$7 Buzz Junior Jungle Party -$7 Call of Duty 2 Big Red One -$6 Call of Duty 3 -$5 Call of Duty Legacy Bundle -$11 Call of Duty World at War (Greatest Hits, Game and Case) -$5 Capcom Classics Collection Volume 1 -$10 Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2 -$10 Capcom vs SNK 2 (Game and Case) -$28 Cart Fury -$7 Casper Spirit Dimensions -$7 Castle Shigami 2 -$20 Chaos Legion -$11 Civil War, a Nation Divided -$5 Conflict Vietnam - $7 Conflict Desert Storm - $6 Corvette -$5 Crash Wrath of Cortex (Greatest Hits) -$7 D1 Professional Drift Grand Prix Series -$17 Dark Cloud 2 (former rental copy) -$16 DarkWatch -$18 Devil May Cry -$6 Devil May Cry 2 -$7 Dora Saves the Mermaids - $5 Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 - $9 Dragon Ball Z, Budokai 3 -$12 Dragon Ball Z Sagas -$12 Drakan the Ancient Gates -$12 Driver 3-$10 Drome Racers -$5 Dr. Muto -$10 Dynasty Warriors 4 -$7 Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires -$10 Dynasty Warriors 5 (Game and Case) -$8 Ejay Club World -$5 Egg Mania Eggstreme Madness -$5 Enter the Matrix Path of Neo -$11 Enter the Matrix (Greatest Hits) -$5 Enthusia Professional Racing -$7 Eragon - $5 Falling Stars -$10 Family Feud -$6 Family Guy -$8 Fantastic 4 -$5 Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 1 -$12 Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 2 -$15 Fight Night Round 3 -$8 Final Fantasy X -$6 Final Fantasy X -$6 Final Fantasy X-2 -$10 Final Fantasy XI Chains of Promithia Expansion Pack -$9 Final Fantasy XII -$6 Finding Nemo (Greatest Hits) -$5 Fire Pro Wrestling Returns -$11 Fisherman's Bass Club -$5 Ford vs Chevy (Game and Case) -$5 Ford Racing 3 -$5 Formula One 2001 -$5 Front Mission 4 -$10 Fur Fighters - $7 Ghost Rider -$8 God of War -$8 God of War II -$7 God of War II (Greatest Hits) -$7 Godzilla Unleashed -$23 Grand Theft Auto III -$5 Grand Theft Auto Vice City -$5 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas -$8 Gran Turismo 3 -$5 Gran Turismo 3 (Greatest Hits) -$5 Gran Turismo 4 -$7 Guilty Gear X -$12 Guilty Gear XXX Accent Core -$13 Guilty Gear XXX Accent Core Plus -$29 Gun -$7 Hard Rock Casino -$5 Haven Call of the King - $6 Herdy Gerdy -$6 High Rollers Casino - $5 High School Musical Sing it! -$5 Hitman Blood Money -$7 Hitman 2 Greatest Hits -$5 Hitman Trilogy -$15 Hot Shots Tennis -$5 Hot Wheels World Race -$10 Hulk -$7 Intellevision Lives! -$8 IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005 -$5 IHRA Drag Racing Sportsman Edition-$6 Island Xtreme Stunts -$9 Jak and Dexter (Greatest Hits case) -$6 Jak II -$6 Jak III -$7 Jaws Unleashed -$10 Jeep Thrills - $5 Jeopardy -$5 Jurassic the Hunted -$9 Justice League Heroes -$9 Killzone -$7 King of Fighters 98-$34 King of Fighters 2001-$16 King of Fighters 2006-$12 King of Fighters XI-$12 Le Mans 24 Hours -$6 Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 2-$14 Legacy of Kain Defiance -$12 Legend of Spyro, A New Beginning -$11 Legend of Spyro, Dawn of the Dragon -$23 Legend of Spyro, the Eternal Night -$11 Legends of Wrestling -$7 Lego Star Wars (Greatest Hits) - $6 Lethal Skies 2 -$7 Madden 2003 -$5 Madden 2004 -$5 Madden 2005 -$5 Manhunt 2 -$20 Marvel Nemesis Rise of the Imperfects -$8 Marvel Super Hero Squad -$6 Marvel Ultimate Alliance Special Edition -$7 Mary Kate and Ashley Sweet 16 -$5 Max Payne (Greatest Hits) -$6 Max Payne 2 -$6 Medal of Honor Frontline -$6 Medal of Honor European Assault -$6 Medal of Honor Rising Sun -$6 Mega Man Anniversary Collection -$8 Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty -$6 Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater -$8 Metal Slug Anthology -$20 Midnight Club (Greatest Hits) -$7 Midnight Club 2 (Greatest Hits, Game and Case) -$7 Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix (Greatest Hits) -$15 Midway Arcade Treasures - $8 Midway Arcade Treasures 1 - $10 Midway Arcade Treasures 2- $12 Midway Arcade Treasures 3- $12 Mike Tyson's Heavyweight Boxing -$8 Monster Jam Maximum Destruction -$7 Monsters Inc -$7 Mortal Kombat Deception -$9 Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks -$18 Motor Mayhem -$5 Mountain Bike Adrenaline -$5 MTV Music Generator 3 -$5 Narc - $9 Nascar 05 -$5 Nascar 07 -$5 NBA Street -$8 NBA 2K2 -$5 NBA Live 04 -$5 NBA Live 06 -$5 NCAA Basketball 2009 -$7 Need for Speed Carbon Collector's Edition -$12 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 -$8 Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (Greatest Hits) -$9 Need for Speed Most Wanted -$11 Need for Speed Underground -$8 Neo Geo Battle Coliseum -$13 NHL 06 -$5 NHL 08 -$5 Odin Sphere -$10 Oni -$11 Onimusha -$7 Onimusha 2 -$9 Onimusha 3 -$11 Onimusha Dawn of Dreams -$20 Outlaw Golf -$7 Outrun 2006 -$25 Pac Man Fever -$7 Pac Man World 2 (Greatest Hits) -$8 Power Drome -$5 Power Rangers Dino Thunder -$7 Prince of Persia Sands of Time -$6 Prince of Persia Warrior Within -$6 Rampage, Total Destruction -$8 Ratchet and Clank Going Commando (Greatest Hits) -$7 Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal -$7 Ratchet: Deadlocked -$7 Rayman Arena -$7 RC Revenge Pro -$6 Rebel Raiders -$5 Red Faction (Greatest Hits) -$5 Resident Evil 4 -$9 Resident Evil 4 (Greatest Hits) -$7 Resident Evil Code Veronica X Anniversary Edition -$10 Ring of Red 3 (rental store copy) -$13 Risk Global Domination -$7 Robotech Invasion -$9 Rock Band -$5 Rocket Power Beach Bandits -$7 Rocky -$7 RPG Maker II (Game and Case) -$7 Ruff Trigger The Vancore Conspiracy (Game and Case) -$7 Rumble Racing -$11 Rune Viking Warlord -$8 Samurai Showdown Anthology -$23 SBK Superbike World Championship -$5 Scooby Doo Mystery Mahem -$11 Scooby Doo Night of 100 Frights -$10 Sega Classics Collection -$9 Sega Genesis Collection -$8 Shadow of the Colossus (Greatest Hits) -$7 Shark Tale -$5 Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder -$5 Shadow of Destiny (Game and Case) -$12 Shining Force Neo -$21 Shinobi -$12 Silent Scope -$5 Ski Doo Snow Racing -$5 Sly Cooper (Greatest Hits) -$7 Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves -$8 SNK Classics Collection Volume 1 -$16 Socom Combined Assault (Greatest Hits) -$5 Socom US Navy Seals (Greatest Hits) -$5 Sonic Heroes (Greatest Hits) -$7 Sonic Mega Collection Plus -$7 Sonic Riders -$10 Sonic Unleashed -$7 Soul Calibur II -$6 Soul Calibur III -$10 Space Race (Game and Case) -$9 Spiderman -$7 Spiderman Friend of Foe -$8 Splashdown -$5-peding Splashdown Rides Gone Wild -$7-pending Spongebob Revenge of the Flying Dutchman -$8 Sprint Cars, Road to Knoxville -$5 Spyhunter -$5 Spyro, Enter the Dragonfly-$10 Starsky and Hutch -$5 Star Trek Voyager -$12 Star Wars Battlefront -$11 Star Wars Battlefront II -$12 Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith -$7 Stars Wars The Force Unleashed (Greatest Hits) -$6 Star Wars Starfighter -$5 Street Fighter Alpha Anthology -$11 Street Fighter Anniversary Collection -$9 Street Racing Syndicate -$9 Strike Force Bowling -$5 Summoner -$7 -pending Summoner 2 -$9-pending Super Trucks Racing -$5 Superman Returns -$5 Superman Shadow of Apokolips -$7 Syphon Filter the Omega Strain -$5 Taito Legends -$14 Taito Legends 2 (Game and Case) -$19 Tak and the Power of Juju -$8 Teen Titans -$14 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -$10 Tekken 5 (Greatest Hits, Game and Case) -$8 Terminator 3, Rise of the Machines -$9 Tetris Worlds -$5 The Cat in the Hat -$7 The Getaway Black Monday -$8 The Godfather -$10 The Godfather Limited Edition -$15 The Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction -$11 The Incredibles Rise of the Underminer -$7 The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring-$7 The Lord of the Rings Return of the King -$7 The Lord of the Rings the Two Towers (Greatest Hits) -$6 The Punisher -$27 The Scorpion King -$5 The Sims -$7 The Simpsons Road Rage (Greatest Hits) -$7 The Sopranos -$7 The Warriors -$18 Theme Park Roller Coaster -$6 Thunderstrike Operation Phoenix -$5 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003 -$5 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 -$5 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 -$5 Time Crisis 3 -$10 Time Crisis: Crisis Zone -$12 Tom and Jerry War of the Whiskers -$10 Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness -$7 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (Greatest Hits) -$5 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter -$5 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3-$6 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell -$6 Tony Hawk 3 (Greatest Hits) -$9 Tony Hawk 4 -$9 Tony Hawk Underground 2 -$11 Top Gun -$5 Transformers -$9 Transformers the Game -$5 Trigger Man -$5 True Crime New York City -$10 Turok Evolution -$7 Ultimate Spiderman Limited Edtion -$19 Van Helsing -$8 Vietcong -$7 Virtua Fighter 4 -$6 Virtau Fighter 4 Evolution (Greatest Hits) -$6 Warriors Orichi (Game and Case) - $7 War of the Monsters (Game and Case) -$12 Wheel of Fortune -$5 Wild Wild Racing -$6 World Championship Poker -$5 World Series of Poker -$ Wolverine's Revenge -$7 World Heroes Anthology -$14 WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain (Game and Case, Greatest Hits) -$20 WWE Smackdown Shut Your Mouth -$11 WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 -$9 WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 (Game and Case) -$6 X-Men - $5 X-Men Legends -$8 X-Men Next Dimension -$9 X-Men Origins Wolverine -$7 X Games -$5 Zone of the Enders -$7 Playstation 3 Air Conflicts Pacific Carriers -$11 Armored Core V -$15 Batman Arkham Asylum -$6 Battlefield 3 -$5 Battlefield 4 -$5 Borderlands -$5 Brutal Legend -$7 Call of Duty Black Ops III -$11 Crysis 2, Limited Edition -$7 Darksiders $6 Dead Rising 2 -$5 DeadSpace -$10 Destiny, Taken King Legendary Edition -$9 Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition -$10 Diablo 3 -$7 Dishonored - $6 Dragon Age II Signature Edition -$13 Dynasty Warriors 6 (Greatest Hits, Game and Case) -$5 End War (Tom Clancy) -$5 Fallout 3 -$7 Fallout 3 GOTY Edition (Game and Case) -$10 FEAR 2 -$8 Fifa 10 -$5 Fifa 12 -$5 Final Fantasy XIII -$8 Formula One (F1), Championship Edition -$8 Front Mission Evolved -$7 Fuse - $5 God of War III -$6 God of War Collection (Greatest Hits) -$6 Gran Turismo 5 -$6 Grand Theft Auto IV -$6 Heavenly Sword -$10 High Velocity Bowling -$7 History Channel Battle for the Pacific -$10 History Channel Legends of War Patton -$12 Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection (Game and Case) -$9 Infamous -$6 Infamous 2 (Game and Case) -$6 Injustice Ultimate Edition -$9 Killzone 2 -$6 Lego Batman 2 (Game and Case) -$7 Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 -$9 Lego Star Wars Complete Saga -$19 Little Big Planet Kart Racing (Game and Case) -$7 Madden 2007 -$5 Madden 2009 -$5 Madden 2010 -$5 Madden 2011 -$5 MAG - $5 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 -$12 Mass Effect 2 -$6 Minecraft -$16 MLB 09 The Show -$5 Monster Madness, Grave Danger -$10 Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm -$11 NBA Live 10 -$5 NCAA Football 2010 -$5 Ni no Kuni, Wrath of the White Witch -$12 Pacman and the Ghostly Adventures -$13 Plants vs Zombies, Garden Warfare -$9 Risen 2 (Game and Case) -$6 Rock Revolution -$5 Saints Row II (Greatest Hits) -$9 Saints Row the Third -$6 Saints Row IV -$6 Shellshock 2 -$8 Sniper, Ghost Warrior -$6 Sniper, Ghost Warrior 2 -$11 Socom Confrontation -$6 South Park the Stick of Truth -$7 Spec Ops the Line -$10 Splinter Cell, Double Agent -$9 Star Wars the Force Unleashed -$9 Street Fighter X Tekken - $9 Stormrise -$6 The Elder Scrolls Oblivion -$8 The Walking Dead (Game of the Year) -$8 Topspin 3 -$5 Twisted Metal -$11 UFC 2009 -$6 UFC Undisputed 2010 -$6 Uncharted 2 -$6 Uncharted 3 -$6 Unreal Tournament III (Game and Case) -$5 Untold Legends, Dark Kingdom -$5 Warhawk -$5 World Rally Championships 3 (Game and Case) -$10 X Men Destiny -$10 Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z -$7 Sega CD Adventures of Batman and Robin -$43 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Eye of the Beholder - $32 Battlecorps -$27 Chuck Rock II -$29 Cliffhanger -$15 Cobra Command (disc only) -$11 Ecco the Dolphin and Sega Classics -$24 Hook (disc and manual, generic case) -$12 Jurassic Park -$12 Mad Dog McCree II (no manual) -$15 Microcrosm -$13 Mortal Kombat (disc and manual, generic case) -$15 NFL's Greatest Teams -$10 NHL 94 -$16 Puggsy -$26 Rise of the Dragon (disc only) -$15 Shining Force CD -$160 Soi Feace -$10 Star Wars Rebel Assault -$24 The Amazing Spiderman vs. The Kingpin -$45 The Secret of Monkey Island (disc only) -$19 Sega Dreamcast AeroWings -$11 AirForce Delta -$11 Blue Stinger -$20 Crazy Taxi 2 -$24 Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX -$8 Demolition Racer -$12 EGG Elemental Gimmick Gear -$83 Evolution the World of Sacred Device -$15 Expendable -$17 Fatal Fury Mark of the Wolves -$63 Fighting Force 2-$10 Gauntlet Legends -$34 Gunbird 2 -$88 Illbleed -$100 Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 -$8 King of Fighters Dream Match '99 -$30 Last Blade 2 Heart of the Samurai -$45 Metropolis Street Racer -$16 Midway Arcade Greatest Hits Volume 1 -$12 MS Pacman Maze Madness -$14 NBA 2K1 - $7 NBA Hoopz -$27 NBA Showtime on NBC -$13 NFL 2K1 -$5 NFL 2K2 -$9 NFL Blitz 2000 -$15 NFL Quarterback Club 2000 -$7 Outrigger -$44 Quake III Arena -$12 Record of Lodoss War -$45 Resident Evil CODE Veronica -$21 Rippin' Riders Snowboarding -$7 San Francisco Rush 2049 -$32 Sega Marine Fishing -$9 Sega Smash Pack -$12 Shadow Man -$17 Shemue -$29 Silent Scope -$19 Slave Zero -$12 Speed Devils -$13 Street Fighter Alpha 3 -$42 Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future -$70 Striker Pro 2000 -$12 Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage -$34 Tennis 2K2 -$10 Test Drive 6 -$10 Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 -$40 Tomb Raider Chronicles -$13 Tomb Raider The Last Revelation -$11 Tom Clancy Rainbow Six -$9 Tony Hawk 2 -$15 Toy Commander -$14 Trickstyle -$9 Ultimate Fighting Championship -$8 Vigilante 8 Second Offense -$14 Virtua Fighter 3tb -$23 Virtua Striker 2 -$12 World Series Baseball 2K1 -$5 WWF Attitude -$7 Xtreme Sports -$10 Zombie Revenge -$30 Sega Genesis Aladdin (Game and Case) -$12 Battletoads (Game and Case) -$38 Batman Returns -$17 Biohazard Battle (Game and Case) -$20 Boogerman (Game and Case) -$29 Combat Cars (Game and Case) -$7 Dracula (Game and Case) -$11 Earthworm Jim (Cardboard Box) -$25 F22 Interceptor -$5 Garfield Caught in the Act -$19 Hard Drivin (Cardboard Box) -$10 Joe Montana Football -$10 Kid Chameleon (manual a bit rough) -$20 Lotus II -$10 Madden 95 (Game and Case) -$6 Madden 97 - $7 Mercs (no manual) -$24 Mortal Kombat -$13 Mortal Kombat 3 -$13 MS Pacman -$9 Ms PacMan (Cardboard Box) -$8 NBA Jam -$11 NBA Live 96 - $6. 50 NFL Football 94 -$6 NFL Quaterback Club -$6 Out of this World (Game and Case) -$20 Pacman 2 The New Adventures - PGA Tour Golf II -$6. 25 Rocket Knight Adventures (Game and Case) -$36 Shaq Fu (Game and Case) -$6 Shining Force -$55 Shinobi III -$44 Skitchin (Game and Case) -$12 Sonic the Hedgehog (Not for Resale version) -$11 Sonic 2 -$10 Sonic Spinball -$10 Spiderman -$22 Sword of Vermillion (Game and Case) -$20 Taz in Escape from Mars -$9 TazMania -$8 The Ren and Stimpy Show (Game and Case) -$12 Tony Larussa Baseball -$6 Toy Story (Cardboard Box) -$15 Vectorman (Cardboard Box, Greatest Hits) -$16 Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio (includes mouse) -$42 Where in The World is Carmen San Diego -$25 Where in Time is Carmen San Diego -$13 WWF Royal Rumble (Game and Case) -$11 Carts Only Asterix and the Great Rescue - $6 Barkley Shut Up and Jam -$5 Batman Forever (Label Peeling) -$6 Batman Returns -$9 Boogerman -$15 Bulls vs Blazers -$5 Bubsy -$7 Clayfighter -$7 Cliffhanger -$6 Clue -$5 College Football's National Championship -$5 Columns -$5 Earthworm Jim 2 -$23 Eternal Champions -$6. 50 Fifa International Soccer -$5 Flashback, the Quest for Identity -$8 Gargoyles -$25 Genesis 6 Pak -$8 Greendog, the Beached Surfer Dude -$7 Hard Drivin -$5 Jurassic Park -$ Jurassic Park Rampage Edition (label fading) -$6 Justice League Task Force -$9 King of the Monsters -$10 Klax -$6 Lakers vs. Celtics -$5 LHX Attack Chopper -$5 Madden 94 -$5 Madden 95 -$5 Madden 97 -$5 Mortal Kombat III -$11 NBA Hangtime -$6 NBA Jam -$6 NBA Jam Tournament Edition - $8 NCAA Football -$5 NFL Football 94 -$5 NFL 95 -$5 NHL 94 -$10 NHL 97 -$6 Olympic Gold -$5 Predator 2 -$14 Road Blasters -$8 Roger Clemens MVP Baseball -$5 Shining in the Darkness -$17 (Game and Manual) Sonic the Hedgehog (Not for Resale) -$6 Sonic 2 (Not for Resale) -$5 Sonic 3 -$13 Sonic and Knuckles -$12 Sonic 3D Blast -$8 Spiderman Maximum Carnage -$18 Spot Goes to Hollywood -$11 Sub Terrania -$7 Super High Impact -$5 Sword of Vermillion -$10 Sylvester and Tweety in Cagey Capers -$7 Talespin -$9 Tecmo Super Bowl -$7 The Jungle Book -$8 The Lion King -$8 The Revenge of Shinobi -$14 TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament 96 -$5 Toejam and Earl -$24 Toejam and Earl Panic in Funkatron -$15 Vectorman -$7 Vectorman 2 -$8 World Series Baseball -$5 Sega Master System Ariel Assault (no manual) -$48 Captain Silver (no manual) -$18 Cyborg Hunter -$20 Great Baseball -$6 Great Football -$7 Hang On/Astro Warrior (no manual) -$13 Maze Hunter 3D -$13 Missile Defense 3D (no manual)-$8 Shanghai -$8 Shinobi -$28 Spellcaster (no manual) -$24 Zillion -$25 Sega Saturn Black Fire -$10 Madden 97 -$5 Road Rash -$34 Sega Rally Championship -$22 SNES Cart Only Breath of Fire -$27 Claymates - $11 F Zero -$9 Joe and Mac -$14 John Madden Football -$5 Ken Griffey Jr. 's Winning Run -$7 King of the Monsters 2 -$13 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers -$12 Mortal Kombat 3 (label faded, rental sticker) -$8 Nickelodeon Guts -$8 Operation Europe -$12 Separation Anxiety -$20 Sim Ant -$18 Spanky’s Quest -$16 Super Scope 6 -$6 TMNT Tournament Fighters -$16 Tiny Toon Buster Busts Loose (writing on label) -$7 Top Gear 2 -$15 Toy Story -$10 Troddlers -$11 Virtual Bart -$20 WildSnake -$6 Zombies Ate My Neighbors -$25 TurboGrafx 16 Bonk's Adventure -$41 Bonk's Revenge -$56 Dungeons and Dragons Order of the Griffon (game and manual only) -$100 Klax - $26 Neutopia (missing manual) -$68 Night Creatures - $63 Wii AMF Bowling World Lanes -$7 ATV Quad Kings -$5 Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None -$8 Alien Syndrome -$6 Alone in the Dark -$6 Angry Birds Trilogy -$9 Animal Kingdom Wildlife Expedition -$6 Annubis II -$5 Army Rescue -$6 Attack of the Movies 3D -$6 Back to the Future (Game and Case) -$11 Barbie Horse Adventures Riding Camp -$7 Barbie and the Three Musketeers -$5 Battleship -$5 Ben 10 Protector of Earth -$5 Bigfoot Collision Course -$6 Billy the Wizard -$5 Boom Blox -$6 Boom Blox Bash Party -$7 Brave, A Warrior's Tale -$6 Broken Sword - $8 Bust a Moove Bash - $5 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 -$5 Call of Duty World at War -$5 Cartoon Network Punchtime Explosion -$10 Castle of Shikigami III - $32 Cate West Vanishing Files -$6 Centipede Infestation -$6 Chicken Blaster -$5 Chicken Shoot -$5 Conduit -$7 Cursed Mountain -$8 Dance Dance Revolution Disney Grooves -$11 Data East Arcade Classics -$47 De Blob -$5 De Blob 2 - $6 Dead Space Extraction -$12 Deadly Creatures -$13 Death Jr Root of Evil (game and case) -$7 Deca Sports -$5 Destroy All Humans Big Willy Unleashed -$8 Disney Guilty Party -$8 Disney Princess My Fairytale Adventure (Game and Case) -$9 Disney Sing It! Family Hits -$10 Dokapon Kingdom -$100 Dragon's Lair Trilogy -$37 Dreamworks Superstar Kartz - $9 Endless Ocean -$7 Endless Ocean Blue World -$9 Excite Bots Trick Racing -$10 Excite Truck -$7 Excitebots Trick Racing -$8 Facebreaker KO Party -$6 Family Feud 2012 -$9 Family Game Night -$9 Family Game Night 2 -$7 Family Game Night 3 -$14 Fortune Street -$15 Gem Smashers -$7 Ghostbusters -$10 Glacier 2 - Goosebumps Horror Land - $7 Gormiti -$6 Guilty Gear XX Accent Core -$12 Happy Feet -$5 Haunted House -$8 I Love Horses, Rider's Paradise -$10 Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs -$8 Ice Age 2 the Meltdown -$6 Impossible Mission -$7 Juon The Grudge (Game and Case) -$40 Just Dance Disney 2 (Game and Case) -$9 Just Dance Greatest Hits -$10 Just Dance Kids -$5 Kart Racer -$5 Kirby’s Return to Dreamland -$27 Lego Harry Potter, Years 1-4 -$8 Lego Indiana Jones 2 -$5 Little League World Series Baseball 2009 -$7 Link's Crossbow Training -$7 Lost in Shadow -$18 MLB Power Pros -$5 Mad Dog McCree Gunslinger Pack -$24 Madagascar Kartz -$5 Mario Kart w/ Nintendo Wheel -$20 Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games -$8 Martian Panic -$5 Marvel Super Hero Squad -$7 Marvel Super Hero Squad the Infinity Gauntlet -$7 Metal Slug Anthology -$17 Mini Clip Sushi Go Round -$6 Monster Jam, Urban Assault -$6 Monster Lab -$5 Monsters vs Aliens -$5 Muramasa The Demon Blade -$19 Mushroom Men -$7 Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution -$6 Naruto Shipuden Dragon Blade Chronicles -$7 NBA Jam -$11 Need for Speed Carbon -$7 Need for Speed Nitro -$8 Need for Speed Pro Street -$5 Nerf N Strike -$5 Nicktoons MLB -$7 Nights Journey into Dreams -$6 Ninjabread Man -$5 No More Heroes -$25 No More Heroes 2 -$47 Obscure the Aftermath -$7 Octomania -$6 Pet Pals Animal Doctor -$7 Pinball Hall of Fame the Williams Collection -$5 Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End -$5 Planes -$7 Pop N Music -$6. 50 Puss N Boots -$5 Rango -$5 Resident Evil 4 -$12 Rhythm Heaven Fever -$29 Rise of the Guardians -$5 Rodea the Sky Soldier -$16 Rogoo Twisted Towers -$6 Rogue Trooper -$10 Rygar the Battle of Argus -$7 Samba De Amigo -$5 Samurai Warriors 3 -$6 Scooby Doo First Frights - 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Ha tinh map in pubg.
Oh man! The Grudge! How long has it been since we last heard of The Grudge.
( 135) 4. 7 1h 30min 2009 X-Ray R Kayako's curse from The Grudge and The Grudge 2 continues killing the residents of a Chicago apartment building. News of these deaths reaches Japan, where Kayako's sister knows the secret that could end the grudge once and for all. Will she be able to stop the raging spirit, or will she become another victim? Rentals include 30 days to start watching this video and 48 hours to finish once started. By ordering or viewing, you agree to our Terms. Sold by Services LLC. |.
7:00 when you step on a lego. Hatenna weakness. Ha'tinaa. Ha 27tina mi. Warning! If you are watching this, please turn your volume because if you turn it up, it will scare or give you a heart attack. That is my warning to everyone on the Grudge. Ha'tin tin. Quanti anni ha tina turner e dove vive. Tina ha md. Horrible film based in jump-scares, no plot, terrible acting. In conclusion an insult to the Japanese cult classic (The grudge 2002. Stay away if you value your time and money. Ha 27tina video.
Ha 27tina menu. Fantina pokemon. WWHHAATTTT. THIS MOVIE IS ALREADY AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. WAS IT EVEN IN THE THEATERS. SOMEBODY TELL ME WHATS THE DEAL ? WHATS GOING ON. Hatinator tutorial. Ha 27tina de. Ha'tirage. Hatinators silver. This actually doesn't looks as bad as I thought. Hatinator base. Ha 27tina meaning. Hastinapur. So, its safe to assume that their late grandfather is Egon, right. Ha 27tina movie.
Tina ha discovery bay. Love ur channel. Ur channel always makes me scared in a good way 😂❤️. Hatinators. This is an extended cut, nice. Sees her crawling down the stairs and gets holly water THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU.
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